Here at Upstate Private Investigators, our clients range from everyday people to large businesses or organizations. Protecting your company or your family should be one of your top priorities.
That means learning as much as you can about the people close to you. Any suspicious individuals or circumstances should be thoroughly investigated. One way of doing that is through the use of testing. The polygraph testing in Anderson can be used for:
- Testing for infidelity
- Screening potential employees
- Testing sex offenders
- Addressing theft in the workplace
- Clearing the name of individuals accused of something they didn’t do
- Immigration-related issues
- Detecting lying or deception
Table of Contents
How Does Polygraph Testing Work?
During polygraph testing, the test subject is connected to a special polygraph instrument.
This instrument closely tracks several bodily functions including the subject’s heart rate, how strong their heart is beating, changes in their blood pressure, changes in their breathing, and any sweat gland activity in their skin, which is referred to as a galvanic skin response.
Most people get nervous when undergoing a polygraph test. Fortunately, being nervous doesn’t affect the outcome of the test. The polygraph device keeps track of any major changes in the physical status of the test subject when they are asked specific questions.
Anytime someone lies, their sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activates. This response in the body happens automatically and causes measurable changes in a person’s bodily processes.
How Much Time Does Polygraph testing take?
Although the length of time required for a polygraph exam can vary, they usually take about 90 minutes. If the subject needs to answer a lot of questions, a second test may be scheduled. Typically, this increases the amount of time required and also adds to the cost.
Even people who are healthy have limits in terms of how long they can sit for polygraph exams before the results become inconclusive. Once a specific amount of time has passed, it is best to stop the exam and set up another test on a different day.
Is It Possible To Cheat during Polygraph testing?
The sympathetic nervous system, which is part of the autonomic nervous system, activates automatically. Measurable changes occur even when the subject is not consciously thinking about them. A polygraph test works by measuring these changes.
To get a clearer understanding of automatic body processes, consider the fact that your heart continues to beat when you are asleep. For the most part, it isn’t controlled by the conscious part of your mind.
While conscious thought can cause minor changes in systems like these, any attempts by the subject to trick the polygraph machine are almost always caught right away by the examiner. Polygraph examiners are specially trained to notice when people are trying to cheat.
he odds of someone changing the results of a polygraph test are extremely slight, although the possibility does exist. In terms of accuracy, most polygraph tests have verified accuracy rates of up to 95%.
In some cases, medications or drugs can also affect the results of a polygraph test. Most of the time, however, changes caused by drugs result in an inconclusive test. The possibility of hiding a lie with the help of drugs is extremely slim.
Can Polygraph Test Results Be Used In Court?
It is hard to say whether or not a polygraph test can be used in court since every court is different. In the past, certain courts have allowed these types of test results to be used in cases, while others have not. One of the primary reasons why polygraph test results are not used as evidence in cases is because they may outweigh other evidence in the mind of the jury, causing them to be pulled toward a particular verdict. Instead of being presented at trial, polygraph test results are usually used when negotiating before the trial begins or during administrative hearings. They also may be presented when someone is being sentenced after already being convicted.
For Attorneys: Understanding How Polygraph Testing Can Help Your Clients
The best attorneys always use every tool they can to build a strong case, whether they are working on a civil or criminal trial. For tort cases, polygraph tests are commonly used to corroborate facts or evidence that can’t be confirmed in any other way.
Polygraph exams are also frequently used to verify that someone’s memory is reliable or to see whether or not someone is being honest when they make specific statements.
Polygraph test results can be particularly beneficial during appeals. Results like these can be quite persuasive when arguing for a new trial.
When mounting a defense in a criminal case, conducting forensic polygraph tests of both witnesses and suspects can be beneficial. If the prosecutor in the case offers to allow your client to take a polygraph, you should be confident that your client can pass one of these tests before agreeing.
Undergoing a polygraph test is an effective way to predict how well your client will do a trial, when they are being deposed, or when they are speaking publicly about their case.
Our examiners have all graduated from APA accredited schools. They also belong to a number of polygraph-related groups and organizations. Every examiner who works for us has obtained a bachelor’s degree from an approved university.
Our examiners also pursue continuing education opportunities, participating in advanced courses and learning new techniques for interviewing or interrogating test subjects and analyzing statements.
Can Polygraph Exams Be Used On People Under The Age Of 18?
Polygraph exams are appropriate for people under the age of 18. Before one of these exams can be administered, however, the examiner must have consent in writing from the child’s parent or guardian. As a general rule, polygraph examiners refuse to perform tests on people younger than the age of 12 except in extreme cases.
Reach out To Upstate Private Investigators To Learn More About Anderson Polygraph Testing
Your Polygraph testing results can be beneficial when there isn’t enough evidence to reach a conclusive answer in situations involving spousal cheating, workplace theft, or other issues.
Before making a decision that could impact the rest of your life, it is important to have all of the facts. Polygraph exams can provide a lot of clarity – especially when they are conducted by the expert examiners at Upstate Private Investigators. Tests like these can be completed quickly, giving you the answers that you need.
Contact one of our private detectives near Anderson to learn more about how our services can help protect your business or your family.