The Role of Surveillance in a Child Custody Case

surveillance by private investigator

There is no doubt that divorce cases are on the rise and for couples that have kids, they quickly turn into child custody cases. These cases are hard because kids are involved. Needless to say, each parent will quickly get busy proving that the other isn’t capable of taking care of their children. In such […]

Common Reasons for Infidelity and How Your PI Helps You

infidelity PI

Infidelity is wrong. Even people that are caught doing it will say so. Still, more than 40% of married couples in the US are plagued by it. Cheating on your spouse is emotionally taxing and it can leave a monetary dent in the form of a divorce as well. Yet, why do people still do […]

Insurance Fraud and the Private Investigator Route

private investigator

Fraud, in general, is categorized as intentionally behaving to mislead others. Did you know that the USA’s total cost of insurance fraud is approximately $40 billion/year? That’s crazy, right? But, it’s true. And employees make a huge chunk of it as they may put up false insurance claims to get compensation for injuries and losses […]

A Spartanburg Private Investigator Can Help Get Alimony Terminated

A private investigator conducting a Greenville Domestic Adultery Investigation.

Some couples who want to get divorced are afraid to because they don’t think they can afford to pay alimony. If you make six figures and your spouse stays at home and takes care of the kids, the court is likely going to award them substantial alimony. You may not be able to come up […]

Why Would I Want to Run a Criminal Background Check on My Employees?

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Some business owners don’t see the purpose of doing criminal background checks on their employees. It feels like an invasion of privacy. That’s why most small to medium businesses don’t bother. Not only does it feel imposing or rude to ask an employee to submit a background check, but it also costs money. A lot […]

Can a Private Investigator in Greenville Help With Terminating Alimony?

infidelity PI

It can be really frustrating to pay a huge amount of alimony to someone who doesn’t need it. When the court orders you to pay spousal support, you don’t have much say in the matter. They make their decision based on information supplied to them by both parties. You may have learned more information about […]

Can a Spartanburg Private Investigator Help Prove Someone Violated a Non-Compete?

Man signs non-compete agreement

A lot of companies these days have their employees sign non-compete agreements when they’re hired. With so much information exchanged online, it’s important that your employees understand that this won’t be tolerated. Your agreement will also state that your employees aren’t allowed to work for a competitor. If you learn that a former employee has […]

How to Prevent Employee Theft in Your Retail Business

employee theft

Nobody ever wants to think that their employees are stealing from them. When you run a small to medium-sized retail business, your employees become like family to you. Many of them have worked for you for years, maybe even decades. It can break your heart when you find out one of them is stealing from […]

Can a Private Investigator in Spartanburg Help Your Alimony Case?

private investigator in Spartanburg

When you get divorced, the court may order you to pay alimony. Typically, this is a set amount that you must pay for a certain period. It’s based on things like a difference in income between you and your ex. It’s also because your ex is going to remain single. Once they’re living with someone […]

Private Detective in South Carolina and Money-Saving Initiatives

private investigator

Business owners work very hard to keep their businesses afloat. This is no truer than during the current COVID-19 lockdown. The last things small businesses can afford right now shrinkage due to employee theft. It’s bad enough when your customers steal from you. But when you find out that your own people are stealing from […]