Should You Investigate Potential Theft From Employees?


No business owner wants to think that one of their employees would steal from them, much less investigate them for theft. This is especially true for smaller companies. When you interact with your staff on a daily basis, you never think they would do something like this to you. Unfortunately, no matter how much you […]

Cheating Spouse? Here’s How a Private Investigator Can Help

cheating spouse

One of the most common reasons people hire a private investigator is to help prove that their significant other is cheating on them. Usually, it’s a spouse who thinks their wife or husband has somebody on the side. Or it could be someone looking to file divorce but wants proof of their spouse’s infidelity first. […]

Hiring a Private Investigator for Your Criminal Case

Greenville Private Investigator Stamping Criminal Case Solved

If you’ve been charged with a crime – any crime- you could benefit from hiring a private investigator. Once the prosecutor has decided they have the right person in custody, they tend to stop looking for other suspects. While it isn’t as dramatic as the crime shows you see on television, it’s not all that […]

Premarital Background Investigation: Should You Get One?

premarital background check

Most of the time, when a couple decides to get married, they just about everything about each other. They’ve known each other for years and have a good idea of what their collective debts and assets are. However, there are times when one of our clients fears they don’t know everything they should know about […]

Background Checks on Potential New Hires: Get Them

background checks

Don’t overlook background checks for your employees. There is a certain level of desperation that could come with applying for a job. For this reason, prospective employees do what they can, right or wrong, to give a good impression. Job seekers may engage in omitting, falsifying, or misrepresenting facts. Therefore, your company must get it […]

I’m Suspecting Employee Theft, Can an Undercover PI Help?

employee theft undercover PI

Every business owner is vulnerable to different forms of theft (including employee theft), regardless of the size of the company. These theft occurrences can result from a lack of oversight of management or inadequate checks and balances. The resulting consequence is that it bleeds the company of its resources and time. Many businesses, in the […]

Polygraph Test: What Is It and How Does it Work?

polygraph test

Various cultures have used different ways to detect deception at different times and ages in human history. Ascertaining individual honesty is of great significance, especially in such vital fields as national security, judiciary and criminal investigation, security screening, recruitment, and employee theft. For instance, if investigating teams fail to establish the truth in criminal investigations, […]

Drug Use: As an Employer, What Are Your Options?

K9 services handlers with German Shepherd sniffer dogs

Drug use can have many consequences for businesses. It can hurt employee performance, lead to theft, and impair customer relationships. It can also be a severe safety issue in many workplaces. With our k9 drug detection services in Greenville, SC, Upstate Private Investigators can help you detect and investigate your work environment and employees for […]

Private Investigators in Greenville: Methods They Use

private investigators

Private investigators in Greenville, SC are equipped with the necessary skill set to find the information to solve a case or establish evidence of criminal activity. When considering hiring a private investigator or searching for an investigative agency, many people will wonder how an investigator can get the required information in an industry currently unregulated. […]

Impact of the Increasing Number of Domestic Violence Cases on Private Investigators

domestic violence

Domestic violence cases are no exception. Private investigators in Greenville, SC handle a wide range of cases, from investigating missing persons to tracking down insurance fraud. In most cases, Discreet Investigators are called in to assist in domestic violence cases. This is large because prosecutors often find it challenging to argue their cases in court. […]