Trade Secrets are Extremely Important In Some Industries

trade secrets

Depending on the type of company you run, you may depend on your employees to leave all trade secrets about your business at the door when they leave. The last thing you want to see happen is an employee take secret information, data, or other proprietary information and deliver it to your competitors. We offer […]

Greenville Private Eye: Ex-Spouse Lying About Income?

greenville private eye

If you’re in the middle of a divorce, you are probably already frustrated with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. However, if you think they may be lying about their income, you may need private investigation services in Greenville. Our Greenville private eye helps people going through a divorce almost every day. Our services are beneficial in these […]

Greenville Private Investigator: Drugs at Work?

private investigator

If you own a company, one of your biggest headaches is probably your staff. A private investigator knows that all business owners have to deal with this. When you start spending time following your employees around to make sure they’re doing their job, things are bad. You should be able to spend the majority of […]

Private Investigator in Greenville: Red Flags for Theft

investigator in greenville

Most employers would like to think that their employees would never steal from them. It’s one thing if someone only worked for you for a few weeks. But to learn that a long-time employee is stealing from the company can be a very bitter pill to swallow. Not only will you have to address the […]

Greenville Private Investigators: Spouse Cheating Problems

private investigators

Years ago, when print magazines were still very popular, people would wait for the new issue of a certain magazine to come out so they could read the quiz inside. Almost every woman’s magazine included a quiz on whether or not their partner was being faithful. You would answer about 10 multiple choice questions and […]

Greenville Private Investigator: Evidence and Injuries

greenville private investigator

A Greenville private investigator might be able to determine the truth of a matter. If you’re like most employers, you have three types of employees. You have those valued employees who have been with your company for years. They have shown their dedication time and time again. You know they would probably hide an injury […]

Cheating: Can a Private Investigator Find Evidence?


If you think your spouse is cheating, you probably have a million thoughts running through your mind. Part of you just wants to pretend nothing is going on. Another part of you wants to know every last detail of the affair. It’s not healthy to think like this. If you truly want to know if […]

Private Investigator in South Carolina: Divorce Research

private investigator

All too often, men and women wait until after they file for divorce to hire an Anderson private investigator. Unfortunately, by the time your spouse is served with the divorce complaint, they have already covered their tracks. It’s almost impossible at that point for a private investigator in South Carolina to gather any evidence to […]

South Carolina Private Investigator and Workers Comp Fraud

south carolina private investigator

It would be nice to think that every employee who submits a workers compensation claim is telling the truth about how their injury happened. Unfortunately, more people are committing workers compensation fraud today than ever before. You’d be surprised how many long-term employees have resorted to this sort of behavior. As much as you want […]

Should You Investigate Potential Theft From Employees?


No business owner wants to think that one of their employees would steal from them, much less investigate them for theft. This is especially true for smaller companies. When you interact with your staff on a daily basis, you never think they would do something like this to you. Unfortunately, no matter how much you […]